Todays pick: The 1985 classic movie adventure - The GOONIES
What ever happened to classic movies like THE GOONIES. I mean come on. Has there EVER been a better one-two punch that attracts the likes of the adventurous pre-pubescent kid than the Chunk and Sloth combo. Okay, so it does kind of tweek you out a bit when you first gaze upon the beauty that is Sloth, but honestly, Rocky Dennis in 1985's THE MASK had already warmed you up by the time ole Sloth graced the widescreen am i right?
This movie is about as fucking 'REAL' as it gets. I mean the only kind of movie that kids relate to nowdays is Harry Potter. There is no moral lesson or adventurous plots to those books turned movies unless you consider twirling a wand and concentrating really hard adventurous. There is no reality involved in those fairy tales. The only thing that has come thanks to the Potters are higher grossing sales at Target, Wal-Mart and the local costume stores around Halloween time. They take full advantage of every little faggit that tells mommy they want to be Harry for Halloween, i mean do they even bother ordering attire for Harry's faggit Ginger kid sidekick Ron??. The only other noted effect that has emerged with the Potters is the steady rise of coral reef (marijuana) smoking teenagers in todays society. So parents take the following as a lesson-- When your teenage son asks for 25 bucks so he can "check out the newest Harry Potter movie" he and his friends (who all happen to dress like they hate their dad, you know-gothy esque, rocking some sweet black combat boots and sporting one of those 'emo' hairstyles) are going to see, realize that you are contributing to him
1) being really stoned
2) buying his movie ticket, a large popcorn and coke, some candy AND in his case probably a hot dog, because he's a fucking douchebag. Who buys hotdogs, nachos, pretzels at a movie theatre???? Kids nowdays do !! People who grew up with badasses like Brandon and Mikey Walsh, Data, and Chunk influencing them dont roll like that, we are REAL.
So in comparison, you have Potter and you have The Goonies. A truly epic adventure in search of One Eyed Willies pirates treasure. You want some antagonists,,,,How could you not be scared shitless of Mama Fratelli, and her demented sons. (Joe Pantoliano's best work this side of THE FUGITIVE) But But But Harry has that meanie head Malfoy on his back, thats pathetic. I mean this was group of teenagers in some of the best/badass clothing the 80's had to offer traveling through caves with hidden death traps as one cohesive unit. The bond forged by Sloth and Chunk is nothing short of classic. In a way they are both outcasts of their groups, Chunk is the funny fatass, while Sloth is well, hes Sloth (see above picture). In the end they come together as one and the loving bond the two forged ultimately allows Sloth to 'take one for the team' as he lifts like a 10 ton boulder for about 4 minutes minutes allowing the Goonies to escape the wrath of the Frattelis and One Eyed Willies badass pirate ship.(a truly amazing feat btw).
What ever happened to the epic kiddie adventure like the Goonies?? Is it just wrong in todays society to create movies with characters like Chunk and Sloth in them for the todays youth??? Does that infringe on todays 'fat' kids feelings, is it not politically correct to cast a 13 year old lard-ass who has a talent as golden as the "truffle shuffle" in todays industry???? It wouldn't matter because they would not be able to relate to such anyway. The computer generated kids today are too spoiled rotten with their visual enhanced effects to actually relate to an adventure as pure as what the Goonies encountered. They want the ooing and ahhhing of Harry flying through the clouds, i wanted the adventure of tying my big brother up to a chair with his pec cables before running outside to let the air out of his bike tires so he couldnt catch me and my friends. (Ie What Mikey did to Brand. How fucking sweet was that you Goonie lovers)
There really is no point in showing a movie like this to the youth of today because they wouldnt get it. They are too busy with their sheltered lives text messaging on their personal cell phones at age 11-12 or playing x-box all day after school, or jerking off on the computer on a sunny saturday afternoon. They wouldnt know the first thing about an adventure as pure as what the Goonies faced because they havent ever made a tree-fort in the backyard or played backyard football in the neighborhood or fed shit on a stick to a friend telling them it was a melted snickers bar or played the 'pain game' with their friends after school. Kids today arent real. We as 80's/early 90's kids lived for adventure, imaginations ran wild, and movies like the Goonies made it cool to feel like that. I mean who better to tie the movie together than Sean RUDY Astin.
So in closing, i dare you to explore the realm of cinema the past decades to find a movie that can stand up to The Goonies and all it encompasses, or a combo that can even be mentioned in the same breath as that of CHUNK AND SLOTH.
be real
As a teenager who grew up on Harry Potter, let me personally say: "FUCK YOU." Do you think you are somehow wiser or better than today's youth b/c you watched shitty cinamatagraphy when you were a kid. Your post is ridiculously off base. Get a life dude.
Thanks. I'm really glad the guy who got pushed into lockers all his life decided to throw his 2 cents in to the mix...Such words of wisdom are surely derived from the teachings of iconic figures such as your idol-Professor Snape. And yes, i am smarter and better than you, Douche.
thanks for your input anonymous
My generation will make a bigger impact on this country than your prozac generation. We are go getters, better educated, and better adapted to technological advancements. You're probably just mad b/c you can't cut it in this ultra-competitive world so you bitch about how great things were when you and your friends were "real," whatever the fuck that means. If you want to see real; come over to my house and see play a game of halo on my dad's 58 inch plasma screen. What did you used to play Mario Brothers on?
Hhahaa, yea your a real "GO GETTER" let me tell ya,,,playing on YOUR DAD'S 58 inch plasma while im sitting in the 'entertainment' room of my 3 story house typing this response while watching my 65 inch Panasonic flanked by two 42 inchers that i wasnt able to afford because i "can't cut it in this ultra-competitive world" you so cunningly spoke of.
Listen kid, i was just making an example, being set in my ways i can do what i want, and to tell you the truth i enjoy nothing more than toking some squeef in my car or ripping a few bong pulls before going into the theatre to watch one of your precious Potter's your so vehemently defending. It's just a base comparison to the 'adventure' movie that i grew up with. But im older and my rant doesn't concearn people my age, just the younger pre-teens, and now losers like yourself.
I used to play Mario on the regular NINTENDO, and you responding ONLY FURTHERS my point that you and your generation are a bunch of pussy ass hacks. I mean honestly dude, you just 'challenged' me to come watch you 'dominate some HALO online competition at your dad's house'???? owned?
You played right into the WHOLE purpose of my post. Your not REAL. Instead of going outside and playing football in the neighborhood or searching for some pussy you would rather put on that provided headset that comes with your sweet XBOX 360 and link up with other "anonymous" losers in hopes of finding that ONE guy who will drive the WARTHOG so you can use the turret to garner the "high kill" mark in your Halo team training session thus helping to boost your 'REP' in the online gaming industry so you can go to school the next day and tell your other faggot friends about your newest accomplishment.
yea kid, your a fucking winner.
thanks for providing the rest of the readers with the model for the toolbags that my post represents.
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