Today is the first picture installment of "Did You Chuckle???"
To take your mind off your boring ass day sitting in your office/cubicle in that dead end job of yours I'de like to post some pics that you would normally be able to see if it were not for that fucking I.T. dork at your workplace who blocks off all the "cool" internet sites. (yea, that pisses you off doesn't it)
I will post some randar pictures/farks in hopes of not only bringing a smile to your face, but mostly for that chance reaction of your spitting the drink of choice on the office computer screen, or causing a laugh so loud that your co-workers stare at you creating a "that guy" labeling around the water-cooler, in turn ruining your reputation around the office.........OR, maybe you can email the pics to that one co-worker that isn't a total douche and he can forward the pics to all his friends and they can see YOU were the initial sender- thus allowing them to make judgements on YOUR character based on the legitimacy of said pictures.
Well, did you Chuckle?
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