You all might be asking why do I give a fuck about corn, the economy, ect... Well it's because of these idiots that my family has to pay more taxes and that pisses off ole Maldwyn more than you will ever know. Each year when I pay my property taxes on my numerous properties, I wonder how many uneducated fucks are going to waste this money and drop out because the teachers we have in these schools are impossible to fire. On top of that, I have to send my kids to a private school. These schools arent the best things in the world, but they will at least get to learn the difference between earning something and having it given to them. This is what these presidential candidates want to do literally. I want of my readers to explain to me why someone should be taxed on their assets when they die, or when they make interest off of money they have already paid taxes on ECT? These falacies only make us a weaker and less desireable international market for people to invest in. (Look at the negative outflows of capital over the last 5 years) These points, I am trying to make, are not the only good or bad ideas out there being discussed, but they are logical to me and I can make sense of them. So please write back if you think you have the brain to sway my opinion. I would love to not go to sleep thinking about all the billions of dollars that are wasted in America daily.
I am not going to endorse any political figures, but I will throw out points in my various columns pointing out the goods and bads of each candidate. Why you ask? Because politicains are whores and I can tell you a few things about whores!!
Stop being ridiculous,
Maldwyn Rockefeller IV
I will visit back every week to hear more from this prick. Funny stuff
Might be funny, but extremely uneducated. You can tell this guy doesn't know shit.
Look at me everybody! I read an article in Rolling Stone about ethanol and now I've got some economic opinions I need to post (so that informed people can mock me from their computer desks)
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